Hollywood Laser Peel

The Hollywood Laser Peel is a laser treatment that helps reduce unwanted pigmentation, exfoliate your skin, and stimulate collagen production. This treatment is designed to help rejuvenate your skin by reducing the signs of aging and damaged skin to reveal a firmer, more youthful glow and complexion.

During the Hollywood Laser Peel, a carbon lotion is applied to the skin like a mask. Once the mask is set, the laser is used to gently heat the lotion and remove the carbon layer along with a very fine layer of skin cells. This is a gentle process and usually requires multiple passes over the skin surface. This process helps break up pigmentation in the skin and triggers the production of collagen to improve skin complexion and appearance.

  • Fine lines
  • Acne scars
  • Pore size
  • Pigmentation & sun damage
  • Exfoliation
  • Stimulating collagen
  • Improving skin tone & texture
  • Promoting a youthful, radiant glow

The Hollywood Laser Peel is a full face treatment.

The Hollywood Laser Peel takes 45 minutes to an hour, depending on your skin needs.

For best results, we recommend 6 Hollywood Laser Peel treatments, followed by a maintenance treatment every 6 weeks.

Yes! A dermaplane or diamondglow is a great add-on to this treatment.

Most patients report very little discomfort. They describe the treatment sensation as a warm prickly sensation with a snapping sound as the laser delivers energy to the skin. No topical anesthesia is necessary.

There is no downtime with the Hollywood Peel! After treatment, you can immediately return to normal activities.  


Immediately after the treatment, you skin will be glowing! We recommend a series 6 treatments for maximum results, with routine maintenance sessions depending on your goals and concerns.

Results can last several months. We recommend a series of 6 treatments for maximum results, with routine maintenance sessions depending on your goals and concerns.

  • If possible, please arrive to your appointment with no makeup.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure prior to treatment.
  • We also ask that you discontinue any retinoids 1-3 days prior to your treatment. 
  • Avoid direct sun exposure after treatment.
  • Protect your skin by applying a daily moisturizer with SPF of 30-50.
  • Avoid using exfoliants or harsh chemical products for two weeks following your session.

The Hollywood Laser Peel is an innovative treatment that deploys a patented carbon facial lotion to exfoliate and revitalize the skin. This treatment can remove debris, dead skin cells and other impurities from the top layer of skin to reveal a fresh new complexion underneath!

This treatment is great for anyone that is looking to rejuvenate or refresh their skin. Younger patients and patients with more mature skin will both benefit from this treatment. This treatment is safe for most skin types and tones. Schedule a consultation with one of our skin experts to see if this treatment is right for you!

  • If you have been on Accutane in the last 6 months.  
  • This treatment is not recommended for patients that are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
  • If you are on any photosensitizing medication such as tetracyclines please let your laser technician know. 

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